Trade Analysis: Budinger for #18th pick

Houston receives
2012 1st round pick (#18)

Minnesota receives
Chase Budinger (23-yr, 2013 projected WARP +3.3, ORAPM +0.7, +0.5 DRAPM, 1 yr, 0.9mm)

Fair. Budinger is a solid young player who will make only $0.9mm before entering restricted free agency in 2013. On the open market, Budinger could be worth 3.3 WARP*1.6+1 = $6.3mm. The #18 pick in the draft is worth around $1.7mm per year for four years, so the exchange seems to be a fair one. Houston will reportedly attempt to package their picks (#14, #16, #18) for a bigger prize (e.g. Dwight Howard).

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